An anthology of new work from seventeen writers with websites. It is available as a downloadable PDF, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. You probably already have it. Feel free to forward, print, share, discuss, deconstruct, and/or cherish.

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"On the Nature of Instruction, or: Note to Self"
Magdalen Powers | Fool's Paradise

"How to Build a Fence"
Rosecrans Baldwin | The Morning News

"How to Unsuccessfully Woo Your Roommate's Future Husband"
Heather B. Hamilton | The Late, Lamented Dooce

"How to Be the Good Son"
Kevin Fanning | Whygodwhy

"How to Explain the Rules of Cricket"
Kevin Guilfoile | Coudal Partners

"How to Get Your Man to Propose"
Alexis Massie | Alexmassie

"How to Show Your Work"
Michael Barrish | Oblivio

"How to Start a Dialogue With a Complete Stranger"
Jason Gurley | Deeply Shallow

"How to Take the Train"
Paul Ford | Ftrain

"How to Make a Baby"
Dennis A. Mahoney | 0format

"How to Skin a Cat"
Gail Armstrong | Open Brackets

"How to Be Igor"
Tobias Seamon | 0format

"How to Yearn"
Jon Armstrong | Blurbomat

"How to Organize Your Record Collection"
Andrew Womack | The Morning News

"How to Make Things Easier for Everyone"
Leslie Harpold | Hoopla

"How to Keep Your Distance"
Scott David Herman | Erasing

"How to Perform a Card Trick"
Joshua Allen | Fireland

Designed by
Dean Allen | Textism

Compiled + edited by
J. Allen, R. Baldwin, M. Barrish, D. A. Mahoney